Student Ministry

The FBCE Student Ministry is designed to be an environment for 7th-12th graders to grow in their relationship with God and with others through weekly gatherings, friendship, and events throughout the year.  

Sunday Morning:

Sunday Discipleship is at 11:15am on the Back Porch. This is where our 7th-12th come to gather in small group settings and dive into Scripture together, with conversation being facilitated by our adult leaders. 

Wednesday Evening:

Thrive is our Wednesday night gathering where students can come hang, play games and most importantly engage with the Bible in a large group teaching. Come join us from 6:30 - 8pm on the Back Porch. Invite your friends! Last Thrive of the semester is November 15, 2023. Thrive starts back up on Wednesday, January 17, 2024.


Facebook: FBC Elgin Student Ministry

Instagram: @fbcelginstudents