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XYZ Luncheon
Monday, October 14 | 11:30AM
Ages 55 and up please join us for food, fun, and fellowship. On the menu: beef tips. Plates are $5/each. There will be a presentation on fraud.
MOMCo Playdate
Wednesday, October 16 | 9:30-11:30AM
Mommas join us for out monthly playdate at the Morris Memorial Park. This is a time for moms to fellowship and kids to play.
WINGS (Women In God's Service) Ministry
Saturday, October 19 | 9-11:30AM
WINGS will be making Christmas ornaments at their October and November meetings and would love for y'all to join!
First Step Brunch
Sunday, October 20 | 9:45-11:45AM
Join us to discuss membership, ways of connecting, serving, and your questions. We would love to have you join us! Please use the following link to register: First Step Brunch
Quarterly Business Meeting
Sunday, October 20 | After the 11:15AM Service
Members, please join us for ministry updates from the previous quarter.
Women's Ministry Game Night
Sunday, October 20 | 5-7PM
Women (18+), join us for a fun night of games, snacks and fellowship on the Backporch! No registration required.
Trunk or Treat Fall Festival
Thursday, October 31 | 6-8PM
Invite your neighbors, friends and family and join us for a fun night of food, fellowship and outreach! We will have hot dogs, music and lots of decorated cars handing out candy! We will be collecting candy all month which you can drop off at the church. Use the following link to sign up online to decorate your vehicle and hand out candy (we need 25-30 vehicles), donate candy (we need 25-30 thousand pieces of candy), set up/tear down, direct traffic in the parking lot and prep and hand out food: Trunk or Treat Volunteer Sign Up
Becoming a Titus 2 Woman Bible Study
Mondays, September 23-December 2 | 10-11AM
This Bible Study is taught by Cathy Molloy at FBCE. The book cost is $7.40. You can register and/or order your book by clicking the following link: Titus 2
Luke in the Land Women's Bible Study
Mondays, September 30-November 11 | 6-8PM
This Bible Study is hosted by Pam Harkins and Gena Carter at the Carter residence. The workbook is $24.99 and you can register, order your book, and get details by clicking the following link: Luke in the Land
Tuesdays, September 10 | 6:30-8:30PM
A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief that comes from losing a loved one. Through this 13-week group, you'll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what's "normal" in grief. You'll lean helpful ways of coping with grief and gain solid support each step along the way. Info & Registration: GriefShare
Wednesday Night Activities
Join us @ 5:30 P.M. for dinner and 6:30 P.M. for events - Thrive (7th-12th graders), re|engage (marriage ministry), and childcare for kids of re|enegage parents & volunteers. (dinner is $4 for kids/students, $6 for adults, & $20 for a
Digging Deeper Devotionals
Dig deeper into the sermon topics each with our new 5-Day devotionals. Each week a new 5-Day devotional will be available for you, your family and your Life Group to dig deeper into God's word, deeper in understanding and real practical applications to cement the topic/lesson into your life. Click Here
Life Groups
Life Groups are our home based small groups that offer people an amazing discipleship community to love, learn, and live like Jesus! Life Groups meet weekly for fellowship, bible study, encouragement, prayer and fun! Info & Registration: Life Groups
Volunteer Recruitment
We have lots of opportunities to serve in all ministries. If you are not serving, please visit the link below to fill out areas of interest so we can begin training: Volunteer Recruitment Sign Up