Upcoming Events


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Wednesday Night Activities


Join us @ 5:30 P.M. for dinner and 6:30 P.M. for events - Thrive (7th-12th graders), re|engage (marriage ministry), and childcare for kids of re|enegage parents & volunteers. (dinner is $4 for kids/students, $6 for adults, & $20 for a


Bible Drill

Sunday, September 8 | 12:30 P.M.

Bible Drill meets in the Elementary Wing. Bible Drill is for kids in 4th-12th grade who want to learn more about the Bible and memorize scripture in fun ways. To register your kid/student, click here: Bible Drill Kid/Student Registration

To learn more about Bible Drill, visit their webpage here: Bible Drill Webpage


Tuesdays, September 10 | 6:30 -8:30 P.M.

A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief that comes from losing a loved one. Through this 13-week group, you'll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what's "normal" in grief. You'll lean helpful ways of coping with grief and gain solid support each step along the way.  Info & Registration: GriefShare

Women’s Ministry Dinner

Thursday, September 19 | 6:00-7:30 P.M.

FBCE Women’s Ministry is starting this semester with a dinner and fellowship! All women are invited to come, bring a friend or two, and enjoy a fantastic night of fellowship. We will gather on the back porch. We will also hear from the Bible study leaders and be able to sign up for our new fall offerings for women! Info & Registration: Women's Ministry

Men’s Ministry Kickoff

Saturday, September 21 | 7:30 – 9:00 A.M.

FBCE Men’s Ministry is kicking off with breakfast! All men will gather on the back porch at 7:30 with Breakfast, followed by a teaching session and discussion on Godly Manhood. All men are invited to attend and bring a friend…just register online so we can prepare tons of food! Info & Registration: Men's Ministry Kickoff


Baby Dedication

Sunday, September 22 | 9:45 & 11: 15 A.M. 

We love to pray over the children and families of our church! At our baby dedications, we pray for babies and their families, ask families to commit to teaching their kids about Christ and reflect Christ to them and we as a church community, commit to help families teach kids about God, be a support system that reflects Jesus and pray with them.  Info & Registration: Baby Dedication Form

5th Quarter

Friday, September 27 | 10:30PM-12:30AM

This is a free event for 7th-12th graders after the EHS football game. We will have free food, volleyball, inflatables & more! We are in need of adults to help monitor the event. Hundreds of students will be in our church for the first time! Click here if you are interested in helping.


Saturday, September 28| 9:00 - 11:30AM

Ladies will meet in the Ladies Sunday School Classroom to work on projects.

Digging Deeper Devotionals

Dig deeper into the sermon topics each with our new 5-Day devotionals. Each week a new 5-Day devotional will be available for you, your family and your Life Group to dig deeper into God's word, deeper in understanding and real practical applications to cement the topic/lesson into your life. Click Here.

Life Groups

Life Groups are our home based small groups that offer people an amazing discipleship community to love, learn, and live like Jesus! Life Groups meet weekly for fellowship, bible study, encouragement, prayer and fun! Info & Registration: Life Groups

Volunteer Recruitment

We have lots of opportunities to serve in all ministries. If you are not serving, please visit the link below to fill out areas of interest so we can begin training: Volunteer Recruitment Sign Up