Bible Studies and Life Groups: Explore weekly Bible studies and Life Groups where you’ll dive deeper into Scripture, discuss practical applications for daily life, and share fellowship with other believers. Our Life Groups meet both at church and in homes across Elgin, Bastrop, and East Austin, providing a close-knit community experience.

Life Groups

Life groups are gatherings of people who meet weekly to encourage one another, grow spiritually and to focus their lives on Christ. 

Life groups can meet in homes, coffee shops, or other places where people like to connect to build relationships, and grow to embrace the mission of Jesus. 

Please feel free to reach out to a group leader directly, or if you want help finding or starting a new group:

  • Ben and Julie Richards

    Adult Group, no childcare available


    Mobile Phone: 5122993238

    We are kicking off a brand new life group! We will meet in our home in Elgin, and study the weekly sermon discussion questions.  Let's get together! 

    We will meet on Thursday nights at 6:30, beginning  February 13th! 

    Text or call me for directions!!

  • At FBCE, we believe in creating an inviting and supportive environment where adults can learn, grow, and serve. Visit us on Sundays at 9:45 AM or 11:15 AM and see how God can transform your life through community and discipleship.

    Travis and Cassie Frankie

    Family Group with kids


    Mobile Phone: 5058508953

    We meet Wednesday at 6:30-8:00 pm   at our house 106 Wedgewood LN Elgin.

    We do not have dinner. We will discuss the scripture that the sermon is based on. We are in our 30's and have 4 kids under 6.

    We have the men meet first for 30 min. While the women watch the kids then we switch and have the men watch the kids while the women meet.

  • KASEY AND Janette Gammons

    Families with kids, shared childcare duties with kid play area. 


    Mobile Phone: 3252261199

    Our group is mostly made up of families with little ones, and we welcome any who want to do life together in community. Join us for a study on the book of James. Our first hour tends to be fellowship and snacks, followed by discussion and focus on God's Word.

    Sundays from 4pm-6pm at the Gammons' residence in east Manor.

  • Justin and Jessica Garza

    College & Career, no child care


    Mobile: (512) 787-8624

    Our group Vision is to connect young adults (18-25 y/o) and guide them through a Jesus filled life and what that looks like. We will meet at our home, 101 Insider Loop, Elgin TX from 4:30-6:00p every Sunday starting March 2nd. Light snacks will be provided.

  • Liz Allgood

    Singles Adult Group, 25-40


    Mobile Phone: (361) 585-0385

    Looking for authentic community and meaningful connection? Our Singles Life Group (ages 25-40) meets every Thursday from 6-8 PM on the Back Porch at First Baptist Church Elgin.  

    This is a place to grow in your faith, build lasting friendships, and navigate life together through biblical study, honest conversations, and encouragement.  

    Whether you're new to church or have been walking with Christ for years, you’ll find a welcoming space to belong. 

  • French and English Life Group, African Immigrants, Cameroon

    Pam AlAKAI

    Family Group with kids

    Groupe familial avec enfants


    Téléphone mobile: (207) 409-5717

    This is a life group for families who have moved to the USA from Africa! We have many native French speakers, but we discuss the sermon questions in English! Whether you are from Camaroon, Nigeria, Congo, Burundi, South Africa or other are welcome here! We meet weekly at 157 Coopers Way, in Elgin. Text Pam for details!


    Il s'agit d'un groupe de vie pour les familles qui ont déménagé aux États-Unis depuis l'Afrique ! Que vous soyez du Cameroun, du Nigéria, du Congo, du Burundi, d'Afrique du Sud ou de nombreux autres pays, vous êtes les bienvenus ici ! Nous nous réunissons chaque semaine au 157 Coopers Way, à Elgin. Envoyez un SMS à Pam pour plus de détails !


    Women’s Group  


    Mobile Phone: (512) 799-3076

    Looking for a welcoming community of women to grow in faith and encourage one another? Our Women’s Life Group meets every Friday morning from 9:00-11:00 AM at the church, offering a space for women of all ages and life stages—whether retired, single, or married—to connect and support each other. We’ll dig deeper into the Sunday sermons using the provided discussion questions, seeking to apply God’s Word to our lives in meaningful ways. Join us as we grow in Christ together.

    -beginning Friday, February 21

  • Jeffery and Lindsey Stark

    Family Group, with onsite Babysitter


    Mobile Phone: 5122298890

    Our group trades off hosting at different member's homes. We usually meet on Wednesdays at 6pm for dinner, and start our study by 630pm (for about a hour). We will be reviewing the B.L.E.S.S. book for the first part of the semester. 

    We pay two teenagers from the church to babysit for us.

  • Michael and Madison Bullock

    Young married Group, with none to very young children.


    Mobile Phone: 2146366045

    We meet at 7PM on Tuesdays Our group uses the sermon based discussion questions. We don't offer additional childcare, but your very young children can come along!

  • Gregory and amber dettloff

    Adult Group, No childcare

    Mobile Phone: 3133782786

    We meet Tuesdays at 6:30-8:00 pm. 

    We live 2 mins from church, and our group studies the weekly sermon & questions provided. Typically we don't do dinner, but drinks are offered. 

    No childcare at this time as we have a 1 year old that we put to bed shortly after meeting starts.

  • phil and Sue Bohn

    Adult Group, No Childcare


    Mobile Phone: 3618159566

    We meet Mondays 6:00-8:00 pm

    at 12600 Waynespur Ln. in Elgin. We

    host a sermon discussion, and share dinner or snacks. Our Life-Group members are mostly retired, but all are welcome!

    No childcare provided.

  • Kim Foehner / Holly Duty

    Adult Group, Ladies only, No Childcare


    Co-leader Holly Duty

    We are hosting a female only life-group! We meet  every other Sunday at 5:30pm. Our meetings use the sermon discussion questions and last around 2 hours max. 

    We meet at various restaurants around Elgin. 


    Sunday school for empty-nesters, seniors and couples without kids. 


    This is a Bible study with small group discussions that meets Sunday mornings at the Church, 8:30-9:30 am.

    No childcare provided during this study.

  • Kathy Thaler

    Sunday School for Women


    We are a ladies' Sunday School class, which meets at 8:30 a.m. on Sundays (prior to the first worship service) at the church. We use the LifeWay Bible Studies for Life series as the basis for our studies. Though most our membership is retired, we welcome women of any age.

    No childcare provided during this study.

Life Group FAQ

  • Most Life Groups are based on life stage such as College & Young Adults, Singles, Marrieds, Married w/kids, Empty Nesters while others are mixed. We also have Life Groups for Divorcees, Widows and other life stages. If we don't have a Life Group for you, we'd be happy to help create one! 

  • Life Groups can meet at homes, coffee shops and restaurants, parks or even at church. Most of our Life Groups are based in Elgin; however, we would love to establish Life Groups in Manor, McDade and the surrounding areas. 

  • Life Groups meet weekly on a specific day of the week (Sun - Sat) depending on the group. Most groups meet for an average of 1.5 - 2 hours.

  • Groups gather weekly to further discuss the Sunday sermon, and/or read through a book of the Bible. Some groups start with food and fellowship while other groups jump right into the study time. Each Life Group and group members is provided with sermon-based discussion questions, and a Bible study guide to help direct the conversations and understanding of Scripture. By engaging together, groups get to know the Bible and each other more as they study together. Along with focused times of reading the Bible, groups are challenged to put into practice what they discuss by sharing the lesson with another person, inviting others to 'come and see," and intentionally making disciples outside of the group!

  • We want to help you be able to join and wholeheartedly attend your Life Group. Each group handles childcare differently; so depending on your childcare needs, we may suggest specific groups that are better suit to accommodate. 

  • There are two ways to join a Life Group. 1) Join an existing Life Group, and 2) Start a new Life Group. 

    Either way, you begin by letting us know your interested by completing this Life Group form

    Our Life Group Coordinator will work with you to get you connected to an open group that fits your lifestage and availability. If no open Life Groups are available our Life Group Coordinator will work with you and others that are looking to join a group to form a new Life Group. 

  • If you have additional questions or need more information about the Life Group Ministry please email Pastor Kevin by clicking HERE