Wee Care at FBCE
Mother's Day Out 2025-26 School Year
Ages 12 months to Pre-K.
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
September through May School Year Program
$245/month for 1 year old class
$235/month for 2 year old class
$225/month for PK3 or PK4 class
*Class assignment goes by student's age as of 8/31/25
$35/month sibling discount for 2nd+ children living in same household
$75 Non-Refundable Registration Fee
Lunch from home is required.
Snacks and Water are provided.
Lots of Activities:
Age-based Learning, Chapel, Spring Open House, Fall Festival, Christmas Program, Easter Egg Hunt,
Graduation for Children Beginning Kindergarten and more.
**REGISTRATION FOR 2025-26 SCHOOL YEAR OPENS March 4th, 2025. Please complete the interest form below or email weecare@fbcelgin.org with any questions or to start the registration process.**
If you would like to register your child for Wee Care or learn more about our program, please complete the following form:
Wee Care Parent Handbook 2025-26
Or contact Hope Huddleston, Wee Care Director:
512-285-4161 or weecare@fbcelgin.org for more info.